The best
for Hypixel

StatPixel is an easy-to-use, powerful Discord bot used by thousands of players to gain insights on their performance.

More than 1 thousand Discord servers trust StatPixel


Create your own custom images

Tailor every detail to your preferences. From layouts and fonts to color schemes, you're in control. The result? Personalized visuals that resonate with your unique identity.

Share accomplishments effortlessly. Whether it's kill counts, win ratios, or levels, the dynamic images can be easily shared across social media platforms, allowing you to showcase your achievements to a broader audience.

Real-time updates, customization freedom, and seamless sharing make it an indispensable tool for any Discord server looking to showcase player accomplishments in style.

See how you stack up to the competition

The thrill of competition has never been more accessible. Our seamless interface empowers you to effortlessly pit your stats against those of any player, enabling you to uncover strengths and identify areas for improvement. Whether you're a seasoned veteran or a budding champion, StatPixel's comparison feature gives you the edge to refine your strategies and dominate the game.

From Bed Wars to Warlords, Arcade to Blitz, StatPixel covers an extensive array of games and modes, letting you scrutinize every detail of your performance. Elevate your gaming journey by harnessing the insights from direct head-to-head comparisons.

Watch how you progress over time

Experience the power of dynamic historical graphs that unfold your gaming narrative like never before. Each graph is a visual testament to your journey, charting your progress and evolution over time. Uncover patterns, identify areas of strength, and witness the evolution of your skills in breathtaking detail.

Immerse yourself in the comprehensive view of your gaming prowess. All recorded data points for each game converge in a single, accessible location. Your gaming history becomes a story worth telling, a timeline of achievements and milestones.

This isn't just data; it's your story told through numbers and trends. Identify patterns that lead to success, understand where challenges arise, and pinpoint the moments that define your journey.

Estimate when you'll reach a milestone

Seize the reins of projection as you wield the ability to project data for any game, any game mode, and at any desired value. Whether you're aiming for a specific level or a remarkable KDR, the tool empowers you to embark on a calculated journey towards your goals.

Harness the potential of your historical data to fuel these predictions. Delve into the intricate details of your gaming history, extracting insights that feed the algorithm. The result? A calculated estimation of when you'll hit your target, grounded in your unique gaming trajectory.

See where you stand in over 2,000 leaderboards

Discover where you stand in the grand scheme of things. StatPixel offers a comprehensive array of leaderboards for every game and game mode, allowing you to compare your performance against the best of the best.

Whether you're a seasoned veteran or a budding champion, StatPixel's leaderboards give you the edge to refine your strategies and dominate the game.

Make yourself stand out

Immerse yourself in a spectrum of creativity with hundreds of meticulously curated color palettes. Effortlessly amplify your content's visual impact by selecting from our array of built-in colors or effortlessly integrating your custom shades.

Language is no barrier here – break through communication limits with dozens of translation languages at your disposal. Connect with a global audience, engage seamlessly, and share your message far and wide.

The best part? It's all free. Unlock the doors to distinction without any constraints on your creativity or your wallet. Join us and explore the boundless possibilities to Make Yourself Stand Out. Your uniqueness deserves nothing less.

Visualize your game data

Switch effortlessly between game modes using our innovative game mode switcher, available for all commands. Whether it's frenzied battles or strategic quests, StatPixel adapts to your gaming journey.

Stay informed with flexible timeframe options – daily, weekly, monthly, or tailor-made intervals. Witness trends, track performance, and celebrate victories, all through StatPixel's insightful images.

Try out a new look

Font aficionados, rejoice! Our diverse font collection empowers you to explore typography like never before. From the distinctive charm of Minecraft to the polished appeal of Roboto, your messaging can now reflect your personality effortlessly.

But that's not all – we've amplified the potential by integrating these fonts into the Image API. Elevate your projects beyond the ordinary by seamlessly blending captivating text with visuals. The synergy of design and communication has never been more accessible.

Keep track of your favourite guild

Embrace comprehensive support for guild members, guilds themselves, and the ever-important GEXP leaderboards. Experience the satisfaction of witnessing your guild's progress firsthand, with real-time insights that empower you to make informed decisions.

Time knows no bounds here. Our tool caters to your preferences by accommodating daily, weekly, monthly, and custom timeframes. Whether you're monitoring a short-term sprint or analyzing the long-haul growth, the power to customize your data tracking experience rests in your hands.

Stay on top of your SkyBlock progress

Unlock unparalleled support for all your SkyBlock data, from inventories to pets, auctions to wardrobes, and even bank transaction history. Seamlessly manage and strategize your gameplay, effortlessly accessing the insights you need to make informed decisions.

But that's not all – take the reins of your financial prowess with net worth calculations. Understand the value of your assets, track your growth, and make informed decisions that elevate your SkyBlock standing.

Check out your previously played games and best winstreaks

Elevate your insight with the dedicated winstreak command, designed to showcase your proudest moments. Dive into your best winstreaks and bask in the glory of your consecutive victories, all within a seamless interface that celebrates your achievements.

But that's not all – delve into the realm of nostalgia and strategy by revisiting your recently played games. Gain an edge by analyzing your in-progress games, understanding trends, and identifying areas for improvement.

Use StatPixel now for free

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