Warning! This tool has not been released yet.

What is statpixel-vendor?

statpixel-vendor is a tool that you can install to send data updates directly to StatPixel. This allows you to update your statistics more frequently than we can, while also reducing the load on our servers.

Keep in mind that, since the data you send is not verified by us, we may not display it to other users or use it in our calculations.

Installing statpixel-vendor

You can install statpixel-vendor on GitHub at the statpixel-vendor repository. Alternatively, you can install it using Cargo with cargo install statpixel-vendor.

Setting up and using statpixel-vendor

Getting your Hypixel API key

Obtaining an API key is completely free. You can get one on the Developer Dashboard then selecting "Personal API Key".

Setting up your API key

Once you have your API key, expose it as an environment variable named STATPIXEL_VENDOR_API_KEY. You can do this by running export STATPIXEL_VENDOR_API_KEY="your-key-here" on Windows or set STATPIXEL_VENDOR_API_KEY="your-key-here" on Linux.

Setting up your configuration

You can configure statpixel-vendor by creating a TOML configuration file. It can have any name, but it is recommended to name it vendor.toml.

Here's an example configuration to get you started:

# Number of seconds between updates, with a minimum of 900 (15 minutes)
interval = 900
# Alternative way to provide the API key
api_key = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
# The endpoint to use for the API. Optional, defaults to the public StatPixel API
endpoint = "https://api.statpixel.xyz/"

# Add all guild members in a guild by name
name = "The Abyss"

# Add all guild members in a guild by ID
id = "5a6b07d7bed1d34f9c1f9c5e"

# Add a player by UUID
uuid = "2320b86e-ea7c-4d7c-a756-30ae86281d78"

# Add a player by a stripped UUID
uuid = "2320b86eea7c4d7ca75630ae86281d78"

# Add a player by their username
username = "StatPixel"

Starting statpixel-vendor

Once you have your configuration file, you can start statpixel-vendor by running statpixel-vendor --config <path to config> in the same directory as your configuration file.